Monday, June 3, 2019
Causes Of The Phenomenon Children And Young People Essay
Causes Of The Phenomenon Children And Young People EssayThe intimately grand reasons of this phenomena atomic number 18 poverty, ignorance and woeful living conditions, lack of adequate health c ar, in addition to trapping in densely populated atomic number 18as, It does not hold the necessary go where children atomic number 18 forced and under these circumstances to escape to the pass, where awaits them criminals who influence them direct their look and orientation and a lot delinquency and homelessness and begging and every last(predicate) that away from parental care and guidance, and the children who are leaving their villages to the cities in search of a living lots find themselves vulnerable to delinquency and begging and homelessness due to the scarcity of jobs and lack of competencies educational and the absence of a designated work ,care and guidance Add to these factors prominently the issuing of the child in the family of disjointed decadent moral child who lives atmosphere family decadent whether caused by deviation father or mother must and it get out be influenced by and pay towards deviation and homelessness and begging and do not forget here the section of the school, which plays a key role in the decorous direction and care, and also the media of books and magazines and radio and television affect children if its purpose is just profit only in exchange for pornographic images and propaganda rave and programs f eithering and downlink films that often influence children and lead them toward mimicry of delinquency ..Staggering statistics and other floating and innovative methods in begging and vagrancy invade the ways of Arab citiesEgypt considers the phenomenon of passageway children as a check mark time bomb waiting explode from time to time, indicates where the report of the General Authority for Child Protection that their numbers reached in 1999 to 2 million children and continues to increase, fashioning them prone to ad opt criminal behavior in the Egyptian society. The statistics General Directorate of Social Defense blame increase the size of misdemeanors related to vulnerability of route children to violate the law, and including exposure to homelessness by 16.5%, and begging by 13.9%, has been exacerbated begging uniformed worn by workers cleaning companies in Egypt, where not without passageway of months Egyptian streets or highways, especially in affluent suburb of dozens of these beggars who only several jobs they soak up on this outfit, in addition to a broomstick represents the role of cleaning the street, has joined them other numbers of beggars in various forms including sharpening knives, and put medical dressings or carrying an elderly or disabled boy in a wheelchairIn Jordan, where showed statistically Ministry of Social Development of Jordan issued in 2006 that the number of beggars during the year 2006 amounted to (710) children (424) male, (286) than females, have proven the ex istence of organized cabals responsible for the operation of child beggars, for example, was propel arrested a gang owns bus gathering where beggars young, were seen bus during the distri plainlyion of these in different regions in Oman. Overall, 95% of whom almost working under the command of the gang their parents know that they are working these kind of jobs. In Iraq studies indicate special child protection that the phenomenon of homeless children has worsened in recent number increase after the events of the war, where numbered more than 100 thousand displaced children in Iraq, according to figures developed by some humanitarian organizations, and in Morocco has become a phenomenon of street children touch community Civil especially against Tnamea and the increasing number of street children in cities major Moroc dejection where he scored in the city of Casablanca alone in 2002 nigh 5300 children tramp, where most of these beggars are thus at traffic lights and parking lots and near restaurants.This situation is rapidly worsening stresses the urgency of finding solutions and processors of this phenomenon and must pay off these solutions by knowing the reasons for the arrival of beggars young to the street and how to address them, and by creating legislation militant to reduce disjoint and polygamy and what subsequent displacement events, as tumesce as Find the hand for beggars young after the implementation of their judgments and in secern to prevent their return to homelessness and begging, as well as licensing of associations of private and civic to turn towards beggars children and most of all cooperation with the Ministry of Education to reduce the phenomenon of school drop-out, as well as from the most important ways to address them media awareness campaigns in this area and that the allocation of television programs and radio host specialists for children beggars and vagrants to study this problem and find solutions to them, as well as holdi ng educational sessions have indicatory nature, and research in how to fight begging to solve the problem of poverty and unemployment by adopting by adopting nations and Arab governments deliberate plans that will prohibit the deepening crises . track children neediness the freedom from abuse by parents nevertheless, their lives seem not so easy. They want working in some odd jobs if they have no job, the steal to eat, and if they have extra bills, they buy drugs. In general, street childrens lives are rather short. They are in sturdy health, because of their abuse of drugs, venereal disease.First, street child is a name used to describe those kids who live and work in streets. There are more street children around the world than the whole creations in Egypt and United States, thither are currently 100 million children living on streets. In turn this sector population it is increasing through the years, because of the economic crisis, family disintegration. Wherefore they are m ore inclined to drugs, not only bringing troubles to the society, also problems to their health. When we talk about street children, we are lecture about young community who buttock poverty, hunger, disease, violence and homelessness. We are talking about children who have resorted to all sorts of drugs because they think this is the only way they can re main(prenominal) happy under their surd circumstances. These children that have been allowed to live on the streets are on a daily basis exposed to diseases of all sorts. We have seen some of these children on the streets a result of poor people since access to food is another problem for them. These children live in the street because they do not have anything to call a home.Street child are children between five and seventeen years old who live in parks, or light stop sign. In the same way they are take of family protection. Children on the street divide themselves into sorts who can sell things to people and who can steal coin from people car. The street kids do whatever they can to throw money. Whereas that more than 20 million of kids are living on the streets, we can see the, drugs as a normal activity in the streets. The reality begins talking about food, because they only eat what they find in the garbage or what they can steal. Likewise they steal money or drugs to forget hunger. Those kids do all of these activities in order to forget about street troubles, but they feel that these activities are necessarily to survive, so it makes them more inclined to drugs.In addition to that, Street child commit illegal in America. It means if a childs get in the street without any reason the police have to take them. That called faulting the law because its not legal to do it. Each child in America have chance to work and get more also they can learn in the school without any more. United states havedrug policy and Alcohol likewise. If the police saw any one who drink and child fewer than 18 they will take this child to the police station. But in Egypt child cant go to school without pay more for their books Because of the high cost of services many street children are unable to go to school .Even in countries where schools are free they are unable to buy books, uniforms and shoes that are essential to attend., also they do not have any chance to work to get money. The money is an important factor in their lives that can determinate important things in their daily flavour like eating or not.Likewise, the drugs affect not only their thoughts but also affect their health. A street kid, they cannot theorise their daily live in the streets without using drugs. In the other hand the main problem is that most of types of substance consume by street kids are legal, so they can find it easily. The drug abuse is the worst problem for them and it brings them health problems. Those kids do all of these activities in order to forget about street troubles.Therefore, a lot of solid ground have this problem too, The problem of street children in Vietnam, a country rapidly growing and integrating with the world, arises from the interaction of traditional causes such as the loss or divorce of parents and new causes such as economic incentive. We then propose a new typology of street children base on causes and situations. Causes are classified into broken family, mindset problem, and economic migration. Situations are divided into current protection and future investment. It is shown that the broken family group is most difficult to assist while the economic migration group often shows rugged desire for study and transgress flavour. Since street children are not a homogenous group, interference must also be diversified according to the needs of each type of children.Also, there is a lot of country that effected by street child such as Russia consists of two million street children. Officially, the number of Russian children without supervision is more than 7 millio n. Also china the number of street children population continues to grow at 15 million and India is home to 4 million-8 million street children. The republic of India is the seventh largest populated country in the world. repayable to the economic growth has appeared.Consequently, Vietnam is the country that has from 21 thousand in 2003 to 8 thousand in 2007 street child. Not just these countries had effected by the population of street children there are more and more had effected by this population. Which is sledding to affect all people life and future and countries future too? In a poor developing country, a child will have disabilities to learn how come he will learn without any money and when the children think about their future, they will find out that there are no work no future and they cant connect with their family too. Poor country gives children scary future.Moreover, Children who drop out of school due to the aggrieve attitude of the parents are less deprived, rela tively speaking, in the current situation than the first group since their parents can look after them. They are relatively well fed and protected. It is rare to see them severely by street joining them. The biggest problem with this group, however, is the strong opposition of the parents when someone (teacher, social worker, or the children themselves) proposes an education for them.There are many causes of there being street children Poverty, Neglect, Disease, War, Famine, Social, and Family Breakups. From another of perspective on the news show causes, the causes they or others on their behalf fight for are the reasons that they become street children in the first instance and to provide ways out of their problems through things like providing nourish and education them with their they find the way to get themselves freedom from home and school. Do whatever they want to do.The causes of children to the street can be divided into two main groups which we shall call b roken family and mindset problem. First, children with extremely difficult family situations such as being abandoned as a result of the death. This is the traditional cause of street children which exists in any developing country with or without economic growth. Also the parents continue to take care of them. Children abandoned as a result of parents divorce have to undergo an even greater emotional shock. Being left with relatives or grandparents, such children are easily discouraged from study and lured by bad friends. Most of the street children who have left home because of domestic violence are spiritually and emotionally impaired.Second causes where the family enjoys relatively unbroken relations and an comely or at least not so destitute standard of living but still sends children to work in the street due to the wrong attitude of the parents or the children themselves. Some children leave home because they are lured by friends or because they want to freedom instead of goi ng to school. Seemingly exciting life in big cities and friends who already know the street life are the pulling force. For such children, earning money is not the main purpose. However, the mindset problem most often arises on the parent side. Some parents think that cash income is more important than childrens education.How we solve the problem for the street children with their home and family?For the children and their families, being on the street is not a problem. It is their solution to a number of problems. Crowded living conditions are a problem. A young lad, who shares a single-room with his mother and two grown-up sisters with children of their own, solves a problem by finding somewhere to sleep with his friends. He remains attached to his family and visits them regularly. He is integrated with them and does not need to be reintegrated. But it is better for him to sleep out than to stay at home. When he finds a group of friends with whom he can stay at night, his situatio n has improved. He becomes visible as a street child and part of our problem, but for him, being on the streets solves the problem of sharing an overcrowded room.For the families and the children, it is the solution to the problem of not having enough money to victuals and clothe the children. Child can be a problem. If a child is forced to work all daylight for an adult who takes most of the childs earnings as sometimes happens with refugee children who are afraid .It may be a problem for children to have to do hours of manual at school, or to spend much of their day in misery learning useless and boring information. Somehow, we always accept child if it is enforced in the respectable environment of the school. But spending a few hours earning a bit of extra money for himself or the family can be quite fun.Sometimes the children have to adopt the tough culture of the streets. When they are with their friends from the street, they have to act and speak as if they enjoy street life . All children should have security. They should be able to play games and have fun. They should be improving themselves at school. Children should not have to earn their own living. They should be clean and wash regularly. They should be healthy, and get help immediately when they are sick. These we regard as the first harmonic rights of children and street children appear to all of these rights. This is there life and they should enjoy it.What happen to todays street children when they grow older. Are they going to affect their countries or they are going to affect us. These children can grow up and constitute nuisance in the society. They will make governments project fail. They wont do these because they enjoy it, but because that is all they have grown to know and love. At the end, nothing will work because they will fight back because we had a chance to give them wide-cut lives but we failed to do it.All children should have security. They should be able to play games and ha ve fun. They should be improving themselves at school. Children should not have to earn their own living. They should be clean and wash regularly. They should be healthy, and get help immediately when they are sick. These we regard as the fundamental rights of children and street children appear to all of these rights. This is there life and they should enjoy it.Lastly, street children problem always cause a lot of terrible to people who walk in the street and they cant be economize from street child also this children they need a future to be better people and they can help their country. If we help these children they can help us in the future. For example if a child from the street get a good job in the future and he got a lot of money that give his country a better future and his family too and himself. He will be better than anyone who lives in the street. Inside of steal money from people and ate from the street , he can now eat a health food and get a good family that carry his name and his good future.Overall, streets children are poor and as a result they are untaught. As a result, they have bad food and unhealthy body system. The street children are kids who live and work in streets and homeless people. Furthermore, they use drugs as a way to forget about their harsh reality. Lastly, they steal money in order to get food and survive. Although, they can be educated children with the government help, but they got used to their life as a children streets.
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